Rabbi’s Reflections – Wednesday, December 16, 2020 

(Seventh light of Chanukah – Wednesday night)


Wow!!!  Don’t miss this.  Jewish Voice is an important ministry to and for  the Messianic world.  I’ve noticed recently that their website has become much more relevant than I thought previously.  I recommend you take a look at how they are presenting the news.  https://thejewishvoice.com/  You can also subscribe to a daily email like I do.  

Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)

Wed 16-Dec-2020 1st of Tevet, 5781 Chanukah Day 6 Rosh Chodesh Tevet

Ge 41:53-42:18       2 Sa 3 Ps 78:1-39         Lk 4 (2 Co 2)

Nu 28:1-15; 7:42-47 1 Macc ch. 11-12

Today is the 4th Aliyah of Miketz.  In it we have the first meeting of Joseph and his brothers since they sold him into slavery probably 15 years earlier.  He was in his early 20s then.  Now he is in his late 30s.   Remember, Joseph’s name has been changed to his Egyptian name, Tzaf’nat-Pa’aneach.  Since I don’t speak ancient Egyptian, I have no idea what his name meant.  The scripture says he made himself unrecognizable to them and spoke harshly to his brothers.  Joseph is a type of Yeshua, Who is the Savior of His people.  

Like Joseph long ago, even until today, Yeshua is not recognizable to His brothers (the Jewish people).  But, just like in Genesis (as we will continue reading in the days ahead), in the short future, when Yeshua returns to the earth, what I like to call the “great reveal” is coming.  Toward the end of today’s reading, Joseph confines his brothers, whom he has accused as spies, in prison for three days.  Then on the third day he speaks to them.  

This is another picture of what we were discussing yesterday.  The third day is significant throughout Scripture.  The 3rd millennium since the crucifixion is dawning.   Yeshua is about to speak to His brothers and the Scriptures will be fulfilled… Romans 11:26a and in this way all Israel will be saved.  

There is one more thing I want to say here.  The salvation of Israel is not the end.  The Bible prophesies that the salvation of Israel leads to something else… Romans 11:15 For if their rejection leads to the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?  

That’s right!!! Worldwide revival is the product of the salvation (acceptance) of the Jewish people.  God delivered the gospel through Jewish people 2,000 years ago.  And likewise, in these last days, God is going to bring revival to the whole world through the salvation of His Jewish brethren, to magnify His glory.  And we should all say, “Amen.”

Week 51
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 2:11 Loved ones, I urge you as strangers and sojourners to keep away from the fleshly cravings that war against the soul.

251   12/14  Monday:         1 Peter 3-4

252   12/15  Tuesday:        1 Peter 5, 1 John 1

* 253 12/16  Wednesday:   1 John 2-3   

254.  12/17  Thursday:       1 John 4-5

255.  12/18  Friday:            Revelation 1

Question of the Day:  Why are the headings of the Scriptures important?  

Answer:  There are several reasons the Tree of Life Version of the Bible was written.  It was originally the vision of our friend, Dania Greenberg, who wanted a Messianic Bible that would be easy to read to her children.  One of the things she found objectionable in other Bible versions was the headings of sections, so the headings in the Tree of Life Version are significantly Messianic.  

The second heading of 1 John 2 (covering verses 3-6) is “Loving God Means Obedience.”  What?  Now you’re messing with my theology.  Why do we need “obedience” if we have “grace?”  Silly rabbi, grace leads us to obedience.  In the Song of Songs study last Sunday, we read Song 4:5a Your two breasts are like two fawns, which led us to a study of 1 Thessalonians 5:8a But since we are of the day, let us be sober-minded—putting on the breastplate of faithfulness and love.  

Faithfulness is trusting God (to obey His commands), which is equally matched with our love of God, according to Watchman Nee.  Both are part of grace.  Yeshua identified the first two verses of the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) as the greatest commandment.  We are in alignment with all the other Scriptures when we pray the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).  

How?  We love God completely, and obey His words (commands) as we meditate on them wherever we are (in or out) and whatever we’re doing (up or down).  So we read how our love is on display through obedience.  1 John 2:3 Now we know that we have come to know Him by this—if we keep His commandments.  This is summarized at the end of verse 6… “walk just as He walked.”

This is amazingly simple.  We should avoid the temptation to complicate it.  I regret Nike stealing these three words.  “Just do it.”  Do you suppose I’ll get in trouble for infringing on their copyright?  I know, let’s obey God and we won’t have to worry about Nike.  Blessings.