Rabbi’s Reflections – Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Folks, I’ve got to “mail in” yesterday and today.  I’m away for the holiday and out of opportunities to write.  I’m sure you’ll excuse me for yesterday and today.  I’ll write again tomorrow.  In the meantime, enjoy the postings from 2 years ago for days 181 and 182.  Blessings.  R. Michael.

Week 37
Memory Verse: Matthew 28:18 And Yeshua came up to them and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, immersing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Ruach ha-Kodesh, 20 teaching them to observe all I have commanded you. And remember! I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

181   9/07      Monday:       Mark 16 

* 182 9/08      Tuesday:      Luke 24 

183   9/09      Wednesday: John 20-21 

184   9/10      Thursday:     Matthew 28 

185.  9/11      Friday:       Acts 1 

Question of the Day:  Two men walked with Yeshua on the Road to Emmaus.  Except they didn’t know it were He to Whom they were speaking.  Then Yeshua asks them a question.  Luke 24:26 Was it not necessary for Messiah to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?”  Suppose Yeshua asked you today.  How would you answer Him?

Answer:  Before you answer, consider that you are about to answer the one who did the suffering.  Platitudes and John 3:16 are just going to cut it when you speaking directly to Yeshua who endured great pain and death for us.  

We are all keenly aware there were no short cuts for Yeshua.  Every scourge, every whip, and the tearing His flesh.  Those men walking on the road knew what happened and the suffering involved.  Yeshua’s question to them could be paraphrased as, “Didn’t you know the Messiah had to suffer in order to enter into His glorious state?” 

There are not enough words to answer the question.  And at the same time, any words are too many.  Our only adequate response is to live a life that gives Him glory.  We don’t say we are thankful, we show how truly thankful we are.  We are all walking, some as friends and some as enemies.

Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the reward of the upward calling of God in Messiah Yeshua…. 18 For many walk who are enemies of the cross of Messiah—I have often told you about them, and now I am even weeping as I tell you. 19 Their end is destruction—their god is their belly and their glory is in their shame. They set their minds on earthly things.

Let’s set our minds on things from above.  Colossians 3:2 Focus your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Messiah in God. 4 When Messiah, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him, in glory!