Rabbi’s Reflections – Sunday, October 25, 2020

Shavuah Tov,

Believers Could Decide Every Election for God’s Glory (Part 4)

by Dr. and Senator Raymond Finney

INTRODUCTION: In recent RRs, I discussed a few issues relative to election of the next president of the United States, which will be held on November 3, 2020.

It is a Believer’s duty to vote in a manner pleasing to God. When a Believer votes in a God-pleasing manner, he/ she surely honors God. Both candidates are deeply flawed, but we must choose one. It would be nice in many elections to have a “None of the Above” option, but that is not available.

I have voted in every presidential election since becoming old enough. The last candidate I voted FOR was Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s. In every election since that date, I have voted AGAINST one of the two candidates (which is, of course, a de facto vote for his/ her opponent).

NEED HELP IN MAKING YOUR CHOICE? You probably have decided for whom you will vote, and you may have already early-voted. If you are still undecided, may I offer you a few checklist items to help you make your choice? Answer the following questions (tick check boxes) and see if this helps you choose the better candidate. Neither candidate is likely to score a perfect 100 percent, because all of us sin and fall short of the glory of Adonai (Romans 3:23). 

● I will not vote for a party candidate (Democrat or Republican), but I will vote for the candidate more likely to do God’s will for America and the world. He is:


● I will not be unduly influenced by the media (highly biased), silly polls (rigged,  inaccurate), and slick promises (that cannot be kept). I will pray for guidance from the Ruach HaKodesh for the candidate more pleasing to God. He is:


● Again, I will not be unduly influenced by the media (highly biased), silly polls (rigged, inaccurate), and slick promises (that cannot be kept). I will try to see the true character of the candidate, not as man sees, but as God sees his heart (1 Samuel 16:7b). The candidate’s heart more pleasing to God seems to be:


● I will remember that both candidates are sinners, just as I am (Romans 3:23). I will not judge a candidate for his sinful past, leaving such judgment to God (Matthew 7:1-5, Jacob [James] 4:12, John 8:7, Romans 2:1, Isaiah 33:22, and other verses). Having now removed the beam from my own sinful eye (Matthew 7:5), I can see more clearly for whom I should vote. He is:


● Israel is the “apple of God’s eye” (Deuteronomy 32:9-10; Zechariah 2:8). The Abrahamic Covenant promises a blessing for the nation/ person who blesses Abraham’s descendants (Genesis 12:3). I will vote for the candidate more likely to defend Israel. He is:


● Adonai requires Believers to practice justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). The candidate more likely to lead America in this manner is:


● The Apostle Paul wrote that we are to provide for those in our own household, or, else, we deny the faith and are worse than unbelievers (1 Timothy 5:8). The COVID-19 pandemic has severely damaged national and international economies, financially injuring many families. The candidate more likely to restore America’s economy is:


● Adonai has commanded us not to murder– premeditatedly kill– another human (Exodus 20:13), which many feel is the essence of the Roe v. Wade (legalized abortion) Supreme Court decision. The candidate more likely to lead the nation against the approximately one-million abortion deaths annually is:


● America is a deeply divided nation, and, as such, cannot stand, or endure  (Matthew 12:25). I will vote for the candidate more likely to reunite, not divide, America. He is:


● Recent polls indicate that more than 60 percent of Americans believe that our nation is on the verge of a civil war; more than 50 percent are actually prepping (stockpiling) for this civil war; more than 20 percent are buying additional firearms (above firearms already owned); and some critical defense ammunition has been completely sold out for months. Adonai tells us that He will heal a nation if “those who are called by His name” (that’s us!) will humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from evil ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). The candidate more likely to lead our nation* in such direction is:


* DISCLAIMER: I personally believe the president, whether Biden or Trump,  cannot effect 2 Chronicles 7:14, which must come from the hearts and the will of Believers. It is the responsibility of America’s churches/ synagogues to prepare “Adonai’s people” to invite Him, through our actions, to heal our nation.

● If there is widespread rioting throughout America’s cities, the candidate more likely to restore/ maintain law and order is:


● End-time prophecies (Ezekiel, Revelation, etc.) indicate that certain nations– for example, China, Russia, Iran, and European Union– will lead the world in horrendous future wars. The candidate more likely to protect America’s interests in these coming wars, as much as possible, is:


● The United States is in a drug-abuse crisis (opiates, alcohol, prescription drugs, etc.). The Bible tells us not to abuse drugs, that is, to avoid pharmakeia (Revelation 9:21; 18:23). [Pharmakeia in the Greek text of the B’rit Chadashah is poorly translated “sorceries.” It would be better translated “drug misuse, abuse.”] The candidate more likely to reduce drug abuse in America is:


● The Apostle Paul warned that we struggle against the rulers, powers, and worldly forces of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Controversy now exists whether the “Deep State” opposes democratic freedom in government (Republicans’ view) or does not exist at all (Democrats’ view). [“Deep state” = a clandestine network inside the government, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities, which controls policy behind the scenes, while the democratically elected officials are mere figureheads.] If you agree there is a Deep State problem, the candidate more likely to oppose this state is:


● According to Pew Research Center, the following are top issues for voters in the 2020 presidential election (listed in descending order of polled voters’ preferences). Check your preference for the candidate better suited to address or handle successfully each issue:

** Economy [highest rated in list, important for 79 percent of those polled]

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Healthcare

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Supreme Court appointments

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Violent crime

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Foreign policy

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Gun policy

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Racial and ethnic issues

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Immigration

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Economic inequality

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Climate change

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

** Abortion [lowest rated in list, important for 40 percent of those polled]

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

● Whoever is elected president could die or become incapacitated in office. I prefer that the vice president who succeeds him to the presidency would be:

(__)-Harris… for Biden  (__)-Pence… for Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me

● Believing that Adonai appoints or removes “kings,” that is, presidents (Daniel 2:21), I will accept His Divine will and I will, as a patriotic American, support His appointment to the American presidency. I will, nonetheless, let Him know my  preference through prayer before the election. Until the election is over, my prayer is that Adonai’s choice will be:

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

● Thinking not of my future but of the future of my children/ grandchildren, the future of my loved ones is better served by the election of:

(__)-Biden  (__)-Trump (__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

● Finally, answer a classic poll question: Do I think America is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?

(__)-Wrong Direction– vote Biden (maybe he can improve America’s direction) 

(__)-Right Direction– vote Trump (maybe he can continue America’s direction) 

(__)-Unimportant to Me/ Undecided

FYI: A recent Gallup Poll showed 52% of Americans say they are now better off and 32%, worse off, as compared to the Obama-Biden administration. Even with the COVID-19 pandemic economic upheaval, this level is historically the highest it has been in modern polling history. This question, when preponderantly answered “in the right direction,” is thought by pollsters to be an important divider in favor of the electability of the incumbent.

HOW DID YOU DO? If you took this little quiz, do you favor Joe Biden or Donald Trump? Vote on or before November 3, as the Ruach HaKodesh leads you. People of faith have it in their power to elect the president pleasing to God. Until next Sunday, Shalom and Maranatha.