Rabbi’s Reflections – Monday, August 12, 2024

Psalm 16:7,8 – Part 7

Psalm 16:7 I will bless Adonai, who counsels me. Even at night my heart instructs me. 8 I have set Adonai always before me. Since He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Rabbi Trail:  Long ago, the rabbis (who shall remain nameless because I don’t know who they were) developed a system of cantorial “notes” called trope.  Each “note” (I keep putting “notes” in quotes because they are unlike regular “octave” notes.  These “notes” represent a measure or two of musical cantellations regularly in couplets with each other, providing a tune for the singing of the Scriptures.

The purpose of these cantellation marks is to help when we memorize the Scriptures.  It is much easier to memorize the words to a melody than just the words themselves.  Also, the melody keeps our phraseology consistent which aids in our understanding.

For example, emphasizing a word changes the meaning of any sentence.  Watch how the meaning changes as you put the emphasis on a different word in this sentence… “I would like a cup of coffee.”  Try it.  Do you want “A” cup of coffee, or do you want a “CUP” of coffee (as opposed to a quart perhaps).  End RT.

The “Etnachta” is my favorite cantorial note, and there are several reasons why.  First, it is almost universal.  Practically every verse of Scripture has one.  Secondly, it acts much like a comma, dividing most verses into part one and part two.  Next, you don’t have to sing it, just pause before singing the second half of the verse.  It is shaped like a point up wishbone and lets us know that we’re concluding one though and getting ready to start another.

In our two verses today, there are four thoughts.  Let’s break them down and add some understanding to the word choices.

1.  I will bless Adonai, who counsels me.

The Hebrew word for “counsel” is “Ya’atz” (Yud-Ayin-Tzadi).  It is actually one of Yeshua’s names, “Pele Yo’etz” given in Isaiah 9:5b(6b) His Name will be called Wonderful Counselor.  God is our heavenly Father.  The title “Father” means “decider.”  God wants to give us good counsel, so our lives will be in order for His blessing.  The question that requires an answer is what type of child will we be, compliant or rebellious?  That’s why “Shema” (listen and take heed) is so important.

2.  Even at night my heart instructs me.

The word here translated as “heart” is really the word for “kidneys.”  It is used here euphemistically for guts or “inmost being,” sometimes translated as mind.  God is always speaking, the question is still, are we listening?  Remember, this is the second part of verse 7 and both parts are connected.  Biblical listening is not an “ear” thing, but “a heart thang.”

3.  I have set Adonai always before me.

This verse is quoted by Peter in Acts 2:25 as he spoke to thousands on that first Shavuot (the 50th day) following the resurrection.  Take note of this… I believe it is a critical revelation.  (The quote by Peter in his Acts 2 sermon, actually extends to the end of Psalm 16, which is the last 4 verses.)  Peter says that King David, in referencing “Adonai” (which you can see that he does) is making a reference to Yeshua!  I knew it!  I always knew Adonai is Yeshua, but I wanted some evidence.  Here it is!

Acts 2:25a For David says about Him (Yeshua), “I saw Adonai always before me.”  

May we likewise always see Yeshua before us.

4.  Since He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

The connotation of not being shaken (in the Hebrew) is that of being yoked together.  To be yoked with Yeshua has got to be an amazing experience.  He (Yeshua) is at your right hand, and you are yoked together with Him in service to others.  Where He goes, you must also go.  What He does, you must also do.  His destiny is your destiny.  Go ahead, look and see Who is next to you.  Yes, it is Yeshua, Who is the victorious Lord of all.

Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/
8 Av Monday 12-Aug-24
Deuteronomy 4:5-40 Ezekiel 31 1 Chronicles 5 Luke 24:1-27 2 Thessalonians 1