Rabbi’s Reflections – Wednesday, July 28, 2019
Kudos Korner: Kudos to my son-in-law Bryon Boulton, MD (married to Jan’s daughter, Stacy, also MD). Yesterday we received word that the WakeMed Cardiac Unit (where Bryon is the surgical director of the WakeMed Structural Heart Program) is ranked number one in the United States, ahead of number two, Cleveland Clinic, and everyone else. This is a wonderful achievement, and the product of many years of hard work. Congratulations to Bryon and the team of professionals at WakeMed. https://www.wakemed.org/care-and-services/heart-vascular-care/cardiovascular-surgery/meet-our-surgeons
Funny story: In my congratulations to Bryon by text I wrote, “Remember, there is only one number one.” Bryon wrote back, “Appreciate the reminder of Who deserves the glory. HE is the bestower of all good gifts.” I meant that being the best is the best, and you have to work hard to stay there. He thought I was reminding him to be humble because Yeshua is always number one. Both are messages worth remembering.
Holy Communion – part 2: My purpose in writing this series on Holy Communion is in the hope that I will spark in each reader (myself included) a new level of value for what the Lord has done (His finished work on the cross) through the institution of Communion. As usual, I’m writing to me and for me. I publish what I write just to share my self-thought with you readers.
Our key verse is 1 Corinthians 11:26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. The Greek word for “proclaim” is “Kattaggello.” It means to “proclaim or celebrate aloud.” That seems strange, to “celebrate” death. Usually, we mourn death. But, when it comes to Yeshua, death does not define Him, victory over death does. 1 Corinthians 15:19 If we have hoped in Messiah in this life alone, (we would have to mourn His death) we are to be pitied more than all people. 20 But now Messiah has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
We hold the matzah and the cup high. They are signs or symbols of victory, and we proclaim the blessings in the image above. Let me tell you the story of those blessings.
Rabbi Trail: Many years ago (maybe 20), we became convicted that the ordinary blessings over bread (hamotzi) and wine (kiddush) were not appropriate for the significant difference between ordinary bread and wine and the symbols of the body and blood of Yeshua. While we were praying over this, our beloved brother from Israel, Moshe Morrison, came to visit us in Knoxville.
Moshe suggested we build on the blessing people already know well, but modify it slightly to recognize the difference Yeshua made. He suggested this wording but ended the second blessing “Boray Brit Chadasha,” meaning “creating a new covenant.”
Then about 15 years later, Jonathan Moore made one last suggestion. He suggested we change one word from “creating a new covenant” to “cutting a new covenant.” (From “Boray” to “Koret.”) Scripture describes many places where God cuts covenant, but not once does He ever “create” covenant. End RT.
We pray these blessings at Shomair every week and pretty much every holiday, as we “proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” You may already know that Jan and I end every day with communion. It’s really easy. Just keep a box of matzah (sealed in a one gallon freezer bag for freshness) and a bottle of the fruit of the vine (you choose). I’m going to write more tomorrow on what goes on when we take communion every night.
Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Wed 28 July 2021 19th of Av, 5781 Tu B’Av
De 10:1-11Ez 40:1-231 Ch 19(Jn 7)1 Ti 3
Week 31
Memory Verse: John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us. We looked upon His glory, the glory of the one and only from the Father, full of grace and truth.
151 7/26 Monday: Luke 1
152 7/27 Tuesday: Luke 2
153 7/28 Wednesday: Matthew 1-2
154 7/29 Thursday: Mark 1
155 7/30 Friday: John 1