Rabbi’s Reflections – Friday, July 22, 2022
(Early) Shabbat Shalom *|FNAME|*,
The Sermon On The Mount – Conclusion
The end of the Sermon on the Mount is not really the end of the Sermon. Yeshua’s words have power. They had power when He spoke them… Matthew 7:28 Now when Yeshua had finished these words, the crowds were astounded at His teaching. Lives were changed, but He had not yet gone to the cross. Today, we are a blessed people.
We live in the post-resurrection era, when salvation is readily available to all who believe. Yeshua’s words still have the power to change lives, and lives are being changed. While it’s tempting to imagine the benefit to others who might hear this message, we must first internalize it. Ask, “What are you saying to me, Lord?”
Yesterday, we highlighted all the “…but I tell you…” statements of Matthew 5. Today, let’s look at the messages Yeshua shared in chapters 6 & 7.
Matthew 6:1-8 “…5 When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites…”
Matthew 6:9-13 What we call today, “The Lord’s prayer.”
Matthew 6:14-21 …20a “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…”
Matthew 6:22-24 …24a “No one can serve two masters…”
Matthew 6:25-34 …25a “So I say to you, do not worry…”
Matthew 7:1-5 …1a “Stop judging…”
Matthew 7:6-11 …7b …“Seek, and you shall find….”
Matthew 7:12 … “do to others what you would want them to do to you…”
Matthew 7:13-14 …13a “Enter through the narrow gate…”
Matthew 7:15-20 …15 “Watch out for false prophets…”
Matthew 7:21-23 …21a “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’
Matthew 7:24-27 …24b “be like a wise man…”
Apparently, Yeshua didn’t feel compelled to preach according to the well worn sermon model, “three points and a poem.” In fact, as we study His words today, we can see how He knew His time was short and His message needed to be complete in itself.
Yeshua started his message with 7 Beatitudes (“be” attitudes) and He continued to build by describing our preferred behavior in the kingdom of God. He tells us how to comport ourselves in various situations of life, how to treat our neighbors, how to treat our enemies, and lastly how to value our relationship with Him. We treat our neighbors as we would like to be treated. We treat our enemies with love (most difficult). We treat our relationship with Him by hearing His words and doing them.
John 8:30 As He was speaking these things, many people put their trust in Him. 31 Then Yeshua said to the Judeans who had trusted Him, “If you abide in My word, then you are truly My disciples. 32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!”
Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Fri 22-Jul-2022 23rd of Tamuz, 5782
Nu 28:16-29:11 Eze 22 Ne 9 (Lk 17) Col 1:15-29
Week 30
Memory Verse: Psalm 51:17 O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare Your praise.
146 7/18 Monday: Nehemiah 13
147 7/19 Tuesday: Malachi 1
148 7/20 Wednesday: Malachi 2
149 7/21 Thursday: Malachi 3
150 7/22 Friday: Malachi 4