Rabbi’s Reflections – Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Shalom *|FNAME|*,
As predicted, I couldn’t write today. Everything is good, but there was no way to write anything. Tomorrow looks better. Please read the selections for today. As Scarlet said in “Gone With The Wind,” “tomorrow is another day.” Shalom my friends.
Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Wed 30 Jun 2021 20th of Tamuz, 5781
Nu 27:6-23Ez 13Neh 9(Lk 15)Eph 2
Week 27
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 3:15 Instead sanctify Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you,
131 7/1 Monday: Zechariah 1:1-6; 2; 12
132 7/2 Tuesday: Ezra 7-8
*133 7/3 Wednesday: Ezra 9-10
134 7/4 Thursday: Esther 1-2
135 7/5. Friday: Esther 3-4