Rabbi’s Reflections – Monday, June 26, 2023

Rabbi Trail:  Today is the last RR in the sixth year of writing.  Consequently, tomorrow, June 27th, will be the first day of the seventh year.  That’s when we will pick up our series on Romans.  It’s also special for another reason, it is my 71st birthday.

I’ve just finished a week of meetings and conferences in Maryland, and sadly, today I just didn’t have a chance to continue writing anything new.  I thought it would be interesting to revisit the very first RR I wrote six years ago.  It wasn’t even called “Rabbi’s Reflections” yet. Here it is, reprinted.  End RT.


Daily Prayer Blog – Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Thank you all for subscribing.  My plan is to send one email a day until the end of the year and then inquire of the Lord what’s next.  When I ask then, I don’t want to hear, “You should have done what I told you before.”  I’m excited for the discipline this new endeavor brings.  Welcome aboard.

I never thought this day would come (at least not before the Lord returns), but here it is.  When I was growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, occasionally we would laugh about how old we would be by the turn of the century.  I was 47 on January 1, 2000 (I think).  In the early 60’s, my parents were still in their early to mid 30’s.  The only adults I knew close to 50 were my ancient grandparents.  Today is my 65th birthday.  Funny, I don’t feel 65.  I still can’t wrap my mind around that.  Enough, let’s change the subject.

Do you know why we are not certain of the date of Yeshua’s birthday but are very certain of the date of His death?  Jewish culture and tradition focuses on the Yahrzeit (pronounced “yar-tzeit”, anniversary of a person’s death), and not so much on the birthday (date or anniversary of a person’s birth).

Enough about history (we all have that) and musings about the future.  The devotional today is simply this, “Let’s live in the present.”  I believe it is a play on words that the present is called the present.  It is as if each day is a gift which can only be unwrapped and appreciated as a present (gift) in the present (time).

The Bible contains much on history and much on prophesy, but not a lot on the here and now.  Still, the present is our only opportunity to meet God.  Let’s avoid the procrastinator’s creed, “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?” (Speaking to myself here.)

The word “today” only appears in the Bible 161 times.  In the New Testament it only is mentioned in Matthew, Luke, Acts and Hebrews.  Then there is that verse from Psalm 95 that is quoted in Hebrews 3, “Today, if you will hear His voice.”  When we read Psalm 95, we learn that hearing His voice today has to do with being His sheep and listening to the Good Shepherd.  Let’s invest ourselves in that.  Finally, the verse of the day.

Gal 6:9 So let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we don’t give up. 10 Therefore, whenever we have an opportunity, let us do good toward all—especially those who belong to the household of faith

Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Mon 26 Jun-2023 7th of Tamuz, 5783
Nu 20:7-21 Jer 49 Ezr 8 2 Co 10 Lk 7:24-50)