Rabbi’s Reflections – Thursday, April 4, 2024
Shalom *|FNAME|*,

The Psalms
Psalm 4:6(5) – Part 7

Psalm 4:6(5) Offer righteous sacrifices and put your trust in Adonai.

There are only six Hebrew words in this verse.  The first two are related etymologically (the command “to offer” is based on the word for “sacrifices”) and the last two are “El-Yehovah” meaning “to (the) LORD.”  That leaves us the middle two words, the Hebrew words for “righteous” and “trust.”  And there you go, that’s what we’re going to study today.

The Hebrew word for “righteous” is “Tzadiq” (Tzadi-Dalet-Quf) It is used in various forms hundreds of times throughout the Bible, and is the basis for the King, Zedekiah’s name.  That name was given to him by Nebuchadnezzar when he appointed him king over conquered Judah.  2Kings 24:17 Then the king of Babylon appointed Mattaniah,(gift of God) Jehoiachin’s uncle, king in his place, and changed his name to Zedekiah (righteous of God).

To be righteous means to be completely without sin including every thought.  The rabbis have come to believe that every generation has (at least) one “Tzadiq” (righteous person).  Many of them (especially “Chasidim”) believe their Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson who died in 1994, was a “Tzadiq.”  But the Bible teaches otherwise… Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is not a righteous person on earth who does what is good and doesn’t sin. (Also quoted by Paul in Romans 3:10.)

As Messianics, we believe that our Rabbi (and High Priest), Yeshua HaMashiach, who died in 33AD, but was raised up on the third day, is the only “Tzadiq” to ever live.  Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a kohen gadol  (High Priest) who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all the same ways—yet without sin.  Through faith in Him, we take on His righteousness.  Romans 4:5 But to the one who does not work, but trusts in Him who justifies the ungodly, his trust is credited as righteousness.

Interesting, considering the last verse, Romans 4:5 and its repeated mention of “trust” and connecting trust to righteousness.  That’s our next word in our subject verse in Hebrew, Betach (Bet-Tet-Chet).  It means “you can count or depend on it.”  When God says, “Betach,” you can truly depend on Him telling the truth.  When anyone else says “Betach,” proceed with caution.  This is not cynicism, this is the sad reality.

Before we end for today, I want to ask a question.  We are told in our subject verse to “offer righteous offerings.”  Is there such a thing as an unrighteous offering?  Ask Cain… Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain. Through faith he was commended as righteous when God approved of his gifts. And through faith he still speaks, although he is dead.  Cain’s error was from the heart.  God warned Cain about sin in his heart, but he rose up in jealousy and killed his brother anyway.

These days we bring a sacrifice of praise… Hebrews 13:15 Through Yeshua then, let us continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips giving thanks to His name.  Or maybe you prefer this thought from Psalm 51… Psalm 51:19(17)  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.  May we do so with a clean heart… Psalm 51:12(10) Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Shalom shalom.

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