Rabbi’s Reflections – Sunday, March 7, 2021

Shavuah Tov,

Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)

Sun 7 March-2021 23rd of Adar, 5781

Ex 35:1-29 Isa 13 Pr 10 Ac 9 (Rev 3)

We Can See It Coming

by Dr. Raymond Finney

INTRODUCTION: In last Sunday’s RR, I reprinted an article, “Here It Comes,” by Daymond Duck. Today, I use, with permission and minor editing, a more recent article, “We Can See It Coming,” also by Daymond Duck. Daymond is a prolific writer about the last days (Daymond Duck – Rapture Ready ). Reference Duck’s article at: We Can See It Coming :: By Daymond Duck – Rapture Ready .

I give myself a brief “vacation” by reprinting three of Duck’s recent articles. I had already planned to write about these topics; and, I will have more to write later.

We live in perilous times– times about which Yeshua and the Apostle Paul warned. More examples could be added to Daymond’s brief warnings of our future. Prophecy students emphasize that we are witnessing two features of the last days: (1) acceleration– prophecies are being fulfilled at breakneck speed, and (2) convergence– prophecies are being focused toward a single momentous event; that event is when Yeshua parts the sky, the trumpet of God sounds, and the archangel commands, “Come up here!” The One giving testimony to these things says, “Yes! I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Yeshua! (Revelation 22:20). (Incidentally, I suggest “suddenly” may be a better translation of the Greek tachy, than “soon” in this verse. Yeshua has not returned “soon,” but He will return “suddenly, unexpectedly.”)

In reading Daymond’s article, think of other dangers facing our society, especially the community of Believers. If you do not see the beginning of discrimination against us, WAKE UP! As historically the case, lazy Believers are asleep, and Satan is beating us at almost every turn. The reason we are losing is lack of faith, which Yeshua prophesied (Luke 18:8b): [Yeshua said] “… But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” 

The Trump-Biden election was profoundly significant, and may be a critical tipping point for the end times. We may be on an irreversible course toward the end, and you should prepare to meet your Lord! The angelic host may even now be preparing for their long-prophesied visit to Earth.

We Can See It Coming

Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc.

Daymond Duck // contact: duck_daymond@yahoo.com 

I am an optimist because:

● I believe Christians will soon see Jesus, see many of those that wrote the Bible, see multitudes of angels, etc.

● I believe Christians’ saved loved ones will soon be raised from the dead, and we will see them (I will soon see my deceased wife, and she will have a new body that will never get sick or die).

● I believe there is a good possibility that many Christians could go to heaven without getting sick, dying, having to be buried, etc.

● I believe the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, Christians will not go through one minute of the Tribulation Period, Christians will not be on earth when the persecution gets unbearable, Christians will not have to deal with the Mark of the Beast, etc.

● I believe the gospel will soon go all over the world, multitudes will soon be saved, all Israel will soon be saved, etc.

● I believe Jesus redeemed this Creation at the same time He redeemed a people on the cross, and the mess this world is in is temporary because Jesus will take this Creation back during the Tribulation Period.

● I believe there will soon be 1,000 years of peace, justice, and righteousness on earth, Jesus will be worshipped all over the globe, many Christians will have a crown of righteousness for loving His appearing, and Christians will come back to live and reign with Jesus here on this earth for 1,000 years.

● I refuse to ignore or be in denial about the signs, and I refuse to be pessimistic about the condition of the world because this world is not the Christian’s home, and we win.

● Finally, I am optimistic because I believe God’s promises, know that He said we can see the day approaching, know that many great prophecy teachers agree that we see the day approaching, and I know that we have much to rejoice about.

Here are some reasons why I believe we see the Second Coming approaching:

ONE, concerning potential corruption in the White House and at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ): on February 2, 2021, it was reported that President  Biden’s pick to run the DOJ’s Criminal Division and one of Hunter Biden’s new Criminal Defense Attorneys are from the same law firm.

TWO, concerning a peace treaty in the Middle East: on February 4, 2021, it was reported that UN Secretary General Guterres wants to restart the Middle East Peace Process in the UN Quartet (United States, European Union, Russia, and United Nations) meetings.

Guterres thinks the meetings could succeed in producing a peace treaty because Biden “supports a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority  and will overturn several decisions made under his predecessor, Donald Trump.”

Guterres thinks Trump’s decisions need to be overturned because the Palestinians want a capital in East Jerusalem, plus they want Gaza and all the territory that Israel captured from Jordan in 1967.

Based on Scripture, this writer believes these people are just begging for the judgment of God to fall on this world, and they will come to regret what they are doing.

THREE, concerning Jerusalem: on February 4, 2021, the U.S. Senate added a resolution to the COVID stimulus bill that affirmed America’s intention to permanently keep the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. Biden’s administration said it does not intend to move the U.S. embassy, but they support a capital for the Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a cup of trembling and burdensome stone for the whole world (Zechariah 12:2-3).

FOUR, also concerning Jerusalem: on February 1, 2021, Kosovo established diplomatic ties with Israel. Kosovo recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and Israel recognized Kosovo’s independence from Serbia. The next day, the Arab Parliament condemned the decision and urged Kosovo to reverse it, but that is not likely to happen.

FIVE, concerning COVID vaccinations: on February 5, 2021, LifeSiteNews.com reported that U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that between December 14, 2020, and January 29, 2021:

● 35 million people have received one or both shots.

● There have been 501 reported deaths (453 in the United States).

● There have been 10,748 reported adverse events (sent to doctor; admitted to hospital; permanently disabled, etc.).

● The average age of those that died was 77 years, and the youngest person to die was 23 years.

● In addition to the above, 139 cases of facial distortion and 13 miscarriages have been reported.

In addition to the above, know that on February 8, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the current vaccines may not work on new strains of COVID that already exist. People may need a different kind of vaccine.

SIX, concerning pestilence in Israel: on February 5, 2021, Joel Rosenberg, editor-in-chief of All Israel News, correctly pointed out that 2 Chronicles 7:12-14 is God’s promise to heal and forgive Israel in the days of drought, famine, plague, etc., in response to the Israelis humbling themselves, praying and seeking Him.

Rosenberg noted that Israel’s COVID lockdown has not saved Israel, but God can.

Rosenberg asked Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu, President Rivlin, and the entire Israeli Knesset to publicly call for a National Day of Prayer based upon God’s promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Based on Scripture (Jeremiah 18:8), Rosenberg concluded that it is not wrong for other nations to follow God’s instructions in 2 Chronicles 7:12-14.

At the time of this writing, this writer has not seen a response from Israel’s officials.

SEVEN, also on February 5, 2021, researchers at an Israeli hospital said they have possibly developed a drug that may cure serious cases of COVID. Thirty  patients with moderate to severe cases of COVID inhaled the medicine for a few minutes once a day for five days, and 29 showed definite improvement in just two days (they were released from the hospital three to five days later). More tests are planned, but the hospital believes their discovery is a game-changer.

EIGHT, concerning world government and open borders: on February 1, 2021, U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 11 Iranian citizens (6 men and 5 women) when they illegally entered Arizona from Mexico. Three more Iranians were caught at this same location earlier this year, and others have been caught crossing at other places in the U.S. this year. Open borders increase the chance of terrorist attacks in the U.S.

NINE, concerning world government and world religion: on January 29, 2021, German Cardinal Gerhard Mϋller warned that Western capitalists, big-tech giants, and China are forming a dangerous alliance to control what people think, say, and do for the purpose of ruling the world. Cardinal Mϋller warned that:

● Tthe World Economic Forum (WEF) is using COVID to call for a Great Reset to change the values (sounds like a one-world religion) and subjugate (sounds like a one-world government) the lives of everyone on Earth.

● This effort to control what everyone on Earth thinks, says, and does is a deliberate action, not an innocent endeavor or a conspiracy theory.

● Biden is now leading a campaign to “de-Christianize” the Western world (by pushing the Great Reset, promoting abortion, the gay agenda, etc.). He urged Christians not to participate actively or passively in this growing evil.

TEN, on February 5, 2021, it was reported that the U.S. Federal Reserve is working with a group of international central banks (in England, France, Japan, China, Canada, Dubai, Switzerland, etc.) to push the Green Agenda, the Great Reset, the Paris Climate Change accords, the UN 2030 Sustainable Development goals, the world’s economic systems, the world’s depopulation goals, etc.

As I understand what they intend to do, any government, business or individual that wants to borrow money, apply for a grant, receive a stimulus package, etc., will have to commit to the globalist agenda, or they will not get it. Put another way, people will have to support the globalist agenda to qualify for a loan, grant, etc. (they must submit to qualify, or they will be rejected).

This is not far-fetched. Tucker Carlson recently reported that Bank of America gave credit card information to the FBI on people that purchased items (tee-shirts, weapons or weapons-related items, hotel rooms, etc.) in Washington D.C, Maryland, or Virginia on January 5 or 6, 2021 (the day of the capitol takeover).

ELEVEN, concerning the coming economic collapse and famine: on February 4, 2021, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote an article for Technocracy News & Trends that said global lockdowns have:

● Bankrupted 100,000 businesses in the U.S.;

● Impoverished one billion people worldwide; and

● Threatened the food supply of one billion people worldwide.

TWELVE, concerning persecution: on February 3, 2021, it was reported that a proposed law in Denmark will require all sermons not preached in Danish to be translated into the Danish language and submitted to the government in writing.

Religious groups are protesting this law and expressing concern that approval in Denmark could trigger similar laws in other nations. The bill is not clear, but religious groups also fear that they will have to submit their sermons to the government for approval before the sermons can be preached.

THIRTEEN, concerning gun control and world government: on February 1, 2021, it was reported that a bill (H.R. 127) has been introduced in Congress (on January  4, 2021) to track the make, model, and serial number of all firearms, who owns the firearm, the date each firearm was acquired, and where the firearm is being stored; it applies retroactively, and it covers firearms that a person has owned for a long time. Those who already own firearms will be required to take a psychological evaluation, be subjected to a criminal background check, and their spouse and at least two family members or associates must be interviewed by a licensed psychologist.

Congress has not yet voted on the bill, but it is important to understand that Biden has promised gun control legislation, and many politicians want to disarm America before they surrender the sovereignty of the U.S. to the UN.

Gun sales have broken all records since this bill was introduced.

FINALLY, if you want to go to Heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Savior; then tell someone that you have done this.

Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc.

Daymond Duck duck_daymond@yahoo.com  

My “vacation” is over. Thank you, Daymond Duck. Please take seriously evidence that Yeshua may return soon. Until next Sunday, Shalom and Maranatha.