Rabbi’s Reflections – Sunday, March 20, 2022
Shavuah Tov,

The Puzzle Pieces Are Falling into Place
by Dr. Raymond Finney

INTRODUCTION: The last few weeks’ RRs have been devoted to Yeshua’s Olivet Discourse. This conversation with His disciples is most timely. Prophecy scholars have remarked that two features of end-time prophecy are at hand– convergence and acceleration:

● Convergence: the hundreds of Scripture verses related to the end of the Age of Grace are converging (coming together) to a single point of time in our future, which will be the return of Yeshua to call His followers home (Matthew 24:42, 44):[Yeshua said] “Therefore stay alert; for you do not know what day your Lord is coming. |…| So you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

● Acceleration: twenty-eight (28) percent of all Bible verses deal with prophecy, and many of these are last days (end-of-the-Age) prophecies. The fulfillment of prophetic events is accelerating rapidly, as though God seeks to complete His will (and His will includes telling His children about the future) shortly before Yeshua’s return.

Conditions for Yeshua’s return require the re-establishment of Israel and the Aliyah from the Jews’ Diaspora (completed). There are certain major wars that must occur, including the nuclear attack on Damascus, Syria (Isaiah, chapter 17) and the War of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39). Perhaps, these wars may occur at the beginning of or immediately before the Tribulation. I trust God’s timetable, rather than my own.

In today’s RR, I reprint (with permission and minor editing) an essay, “Falling into Place,” by Daymond Duck (https://www.raptureready.com/2022/02/20/falling-into-place-by-daymond-duck-2/ ) from raptureready.com. By the way, Daymond, a Tennessean, is my age and graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) at a time I attended. We may have had a class or two together. I mention this because I reminisced a few minutes about my undergraduate days at UTK. Classes were so impersonal and hectic that I cannot recall a single person who was my classmate. Sad, perhaps, but probably inevitable, given the hurried, uncaring way the UTK classes were structured. Oh, now I remember. I spent most of my time dating Linda Hunley (now, Linda Finney). Linda was far more interesting than any classmate! (Sorry, Daymond.)

As usual, Daymond expertly summarizes some recent developments to show that Yeshua may be “at the doors.”

The great prophecy teacher Jan Markel often says, “Things are not falling apart; things are falling into place.”

Here are more things that are falling into place and should not be overlooked.

One, history is nearing the toes on the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.

● The Second Coming and Kingdom on earth will occur when history reaches the tip of the toes.

● The Rapture will take place at least seven years before history reaches the tip of the toes.

Two, the nations are negotiating covenants that could begin the seventieth week of Daniel.

● Four Arab nations have signed the Abraham Accords with Israel, and more are expected to sign soon.

Three, history is nearing 6,000 years (6 God-Days) since the creation of Adam and is very close to the seventh God-Day, the 1,000-year reign of Jesus on earth.

● This belief teaches that the Church Age [Age of Grace] will last about 2,000 years (2 God-Days), and this age is approaching 2,000 years.

Four, the Fig Tree and all trees have been growing and putting forth leaves for more than 70 years.

● On October 24, 1945, the United Nations (UN) came into being with a charter calling for the establishment of a world government. The UN began with a few trees (nations), and it now has more than 190 trees (nations).

● On January 1, 1948, three European Union nations (the Revived Roman Empire; home of the Antichrist) began to unite, and it now has 27 trees (nations).

● On May 14, 1948, the Fig Tree (Israel) officially came back into being as a nation; several nations have tried to destroy her and cannot.

Five, history could be nearing the end of the terminal generation that will see the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy.

● If (perhaps a big if) the terminal generation is 70-80 years (Psalm 90:10) and it began in 1948 as some teach, this generation is 74 years old and needs only 6 years to get to 80.

Six, a world government is rising.

● After the Rapture of the Church [Believers], there will be a world government, and the UN has agreed to establish a world government by 2030 or sooner, if possible. (The Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmentwent into effect on January 1, 2016.)

● This document’s preamble calls it a “New Universal Agenda.”

● UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called it the “start of a new era.”

● On February 19, 2021, Biden declared an “End to Trump’s America First agenda.”

Seven, a world religion is rising.

● Pope Francis is trying to establish a world religion, and it has been reported that he is seeking to be the first to head it up.

Eight, the Antichrist will rule over all nations, including the United States.

● This means the United States must decline and be brought under a more powerful UN, and a recent poll shows that more than three-fourths of U.S. citizens believe America is declining now.

Nine, the technology that is required for history to be at the end of the age is coming into existence. Television, the Internet, and computers are making it possible:

● For everyone on Earth to see the bodies of the Two Witnesses lying in a street in Jerusalem.

● For everyone on Earth to see the Second Coming of Yeshua.

● For a world government to track all buying and selling of all citizens (Mark of the Beast).

Ten, the ability of mankind to destroy all flesh has come into being.

● Nuclear and biological weapons have been created that can do that.

Eleven, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others will attack Israel from the north in the latter years and latter days.

● All of them have troops in Syria (north of Israel) right now.

Twelve, there will be a departing from the faith, a lukewarm spirit, a falling away in the Church [Believers] at the end of the Age.

● Seeker-friendly churches are ignoring the Scriptures, ordaining gays, and supporting globalism, etc.


● That we cannot know the day or the hour of Yeshua’s return, but we can see it approaching.

● That we cannot see all these things come to pass because they will happen after the Rapture, but we can see them beginning to come to pass.

● This is called convergence, and we are seeing a convergence of everything.

Here are more stories that caught this writer’s attention this week:

One, on February 5, 2022, a group of lawyers and judges met in Germany to discuss the human rights violations (crimes against humanity) that politicians and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have imposed upon the world.

According to a world-famous anti-corruption attorney with a law practice in Germany and California, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

● COVID-19 is a long-planned pandemic that was created to gain control of the world.

● COVID-19 can be treated with vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, but the pandemic planners oppose these treatments because they want to force everyone to be vaccinated.

● The ultimate goal is a reduction in the population of the earth, a change in the DNA of those that are left, the replacement of sovereign nations with a world government, and the establishment of a single global currency that will allow the tracking and control of everyone.

● NOTE: Shomair Yisrael does not offer medical advice, In the RR, we merely reproduce Daymond Duck’s article in which Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is quoted.

Fuellmich wants to seek indictments against a German virologist, Christian Drosten; NIAID Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci; World Health Organization Director Ghebreyesus; Bill Gates; the BlackRock investment Corp.; and Pfizer, Inc.

Here is a link to the article:


Two, on February 9, 2022, it was reported that Pfizer, Inc. is forecasting $54 billion in COVID-related sales in 2022.

Global mandatory COVID vaccinations appear to be very profitable, and some may think enslaving and controlling everyone on Earth could be more profitable, but they will forever regret what they have done.

Three, on February 9, 2022, “Duck Dynasty” star and pastor Phil Robertson said every empire that has traveled down the path that America is on (filled with “every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity”) has collapse. Robertson predicted that the U.S. will collapse if there is not a change in the heart of citizens because the cancel culture mob “hates people who love God.”

According to Robertson, God has given these (cancel culture) people over to a reprobate mind, they are deluded, and they will cause America to fail.

Four, last week, I reported that GoFundMe was blocking gifts to the Canadian truckers resisting Trudeau’s effort to impose the globalist agenda on the Canadian people and that donors had started using the Christian site called GiveSendGo.

On February 10, 2022, it was reported that Ontario Premier Doug Ford got a judge to block the trucker’s funds at GiveSendGo, but fund officials said, “Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo. All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign. Thanks for your concern, but this recipient is receiving funds.”

On February 13, 2022, an official with GiveSendGo said they are appealing the judge’s decision, but they are keeping the contributions in the U.S. and still sending them to the truckers in Canada.

It looks like GoFundMe made a big mistake, and gifts to that group have dried up. As far as the truckers are concerned, they are just asking for the right to buy and sell (the right to hold a job, earn money, and provide for their family without being forced to be vaccinated).

U.S. officials (Biden, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg, and Michigan Governor Whitmer) urged the Canadian government to use its power to stop this “illegal blockade.”

U.S. citizens should realize that a Canadian-style truckers protest could be coming to the U.S. and the right to work, buy and sell without being forced to take a vaccination is part of the issue.

(More: On Februry 14, 2022, it was reported that Trudeau invoked Canada’s Emergencies Act, which gives him broad power to try to destroy the trucker movement. Citizens need to understand that the globalists are working to enslave everyone on Earth, not just the truckers. Since Biden, Mayorkas, Buttigieg and Whitmer urged Trudeau to use the government’s power to stop the blockade, it is not unreasonable to believe that they may use the U.S. government’s power to stop U.S. truckers from succeeding in that protest.)

Five, on February 9, 2022, it was reported that the percentage of citizens that have been vaccinated for COVID-19 is higher in Israel than it is in the Palestinian areas, but the infection and mortality rate is much higher in Israel than it is in the Palestinian areas.

Here is more information:

On Februry 8, 2022, it was reported that in Australia, between November 26, 2021, and January. 15, 2022, 90 percent of the COVID-19 cases and 80 percent of the deaths were people that had double or triple vaccinations.

● On February 10, 2022, it was reported that Japan does not allow mandatory vaccinations, Japan requires that people give their consent before being “jabbed,” and Japan is requiring a warning about the risk of myocarditis on the label for Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

● On February 11, 2022, it was reported that eight members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a bill to require the reinstatement of all U.S. troops that have been removed for refusing to take the jab, if they want to be reinstated.

Six, concerning the tracking of all buying and selling: on February 10, 2022: it was reported that the European Union wants to expand the COVID-19 vaccination tracking system to include the global tracking of about 40 other kinds of vaccinations.

This is the point: Tracking those that are vaccinated for COVID-19 today is just the beginning of a system to track people for other reasons. This could very likely be the beginning of the Mark of the Beast system

Seven, concerning deception: the U.S. is warning Ukraine and others that Russia will invade Ukraine at any moment and without warning.

Russia has responded by accusing the U.S. of running a “mass disinformation campaign.”

According to Russia, the White House “needs a war” to distract attention from its own actions, and “provocations, disinformation and threats” are methods the White House uses to do that.

At the time of this writing, I cannot predict what will happen, but I do know that there has been speculation for a few weeks that some politicians might want a major problem before the upcoming election to distract from White House failures.

Eight, concerning global hyperinflation and an economic collapse: on February 10, 2022, the Department of Labor said consumer prices jumped 7.5 percent in January, the highest rise in 40 years, and some experts said they will probably keep rising.

Nine, concerning world government: on February 8, 2022, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released a video supporting the Critical Race Theory (CRT).

That’s right, the CRT theory that is being taught in many U.S. colleges, universities, high schools, and elementary schools is supported by the WEF, a group that wants the U.S. to surrender its sovereignty to a world government, a group that wants U.S. citizens to own nothing, a group that wants to enslave everyone on Earth.

They want to indoctrinate future citizens with globalism.

Here is a link to an article about this:

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/02/11/world-economic-forum-blasted-for-insane-pro-crt-propaganda-video/ .

Ten, concerning natural disasters increasing in frequency and intensity at the end of the Age: on February 7-8, 2022, hurricane-force winds off the southern coast of Iceland steadily sent waves 98 feet high crashing ashore, and the most powerful wave was 131 feet high (and it may have been higher because the meter failed).

The previous record was 82 feet high, and 131 feet is one of the highest ever recorded on Earth.

Eleven, concerning wickedness or corruption: on February 11, 2022, Special Counsel John Durham filed a motion saying he has uncovered evidence that the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign paid a tech company, an Internet company, and someone that has been identified as a staunch Clinton supporter at Indiana University, Professor Jean Camp, to spy on Donald Trump at Trump Towers and later at the White House.

Clinton’s campaign was paying people to spy illegally on Trump while Clinton was falsely (lying) accusing him of colluding with the Russians.

There is speculation that others helped her gain access to White House servers, and there may be more court filings.

This writer believes that the globalist effort to weaken the U.S., prevent Trump from making America great again, and bring the U.S. into a world government may go even higher than Hillary Clinton, and if they were willing to spy on Trump, why is it hard to believe that they would try to steal an election?

Twelve, concerning the tracking of everyone: globalists want everyone to believe their records will be secure in a global record system, but if Hillary’s hired agents could get into the computers at Trump Towers and the White House, people can probably get into the computers at a global record system.

Thirteen, concerning reprobate thinking, hyperinflation, and high energy prices: on February 15, 2022, it was reported that Biden canceled the gas pipeline from Israel to Europe without any consultation with our allies Greece, Cyprus, and Israel.

Biden helped Russia by approving construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline and destroying America’s energy independence.

Now he is helping Russia by making Europe more dependent upon Russia for gas.

Biden keeps driving up the price of energy and putting Russia above America and our allies.

Fourteen, concerning the destruction of Damascus in one night: on February 9, 2022, an anti-aircraft missile was fired at Israel from Syria.

The missile exploded in the air, so there was no damage in Israel, but Israel responded by striking Syrian targets near Damascus.

On February 10, 2022, Russia urged Israel to stop attacking Syria and warned that Israeli attacks could lead to a sharp escalation of tensions.

Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to Heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Yeshua is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Savior; then, tell someone that you have done this.

Shalom and Maranatha.