Rabbi’s Reflections – Saturday, February 29, 2020 

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Trail:  This is intentionally short for two reasons.  It is very powerful and I wanted to allow time for each of us to meditate on its full meaning.  The Lord is speaking.  It’s time to listen.  End RT.

What is “holy?”  No, really, I want to write about the concept of holy.  “Holy” can be a little hard to grasp.  It is both seen and not seen.  We can’t buy holy.  We can’t save holy.  And we definitely cannot borrow holy.

Holy is a quality best understood from the Hebrew perspective.  Kadosh is the Hebrew word meaning “Holy.”  The Lord uses this word often to describe Himself.  It means separate.  There is none equal to Him, seated on the throne.  And yet, none who are not like Him may come into His presence.  Our calling is to become like Him in character.

Leviticus 11:44a “For I am Adonai your God. Therefore, sanctify yourselves, and be holy, for I am holy. 45 For I am Adonai who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. Therefore, you should be holy, for I am holy.

Holiness is one of God’s qualities.  And He wants us to obey Him, follow His ways and be like Him in holiness.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore, come out from among them, and be separate, says Adonai. Touch no unclean thing. Then I will take you in. 18 I will be a father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says Adonai-Tzva’ot.”

Which leads to 2 Corinthians 7:1 Therefore, since we have these promises, loved ones, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of body and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.  I love that term, “perfecting holiness.”

And that leads to Paul’s discourse to the Corinthians on communal living.  There is an admonition to clean living.  

Revelation 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you participate in her sins and receive her plagues!

Now, let’s meditate on the calling of God on our lives to be holy as we serve the holy God.