Rabbi’s Reflections – Sunday, February 28, 2021
Shavuah Tov,
Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Sun 28 Feb-2021 16th of Adar, 5781 Purim Shushan
Ex 30:11-31:17 Isa 5 Pr 4 Ac 4 (Heb 10)
Here It Comes
by Dr. Raymond Finney
INTRODUCTION: In last Sunday’s RR, I reprinted an article, “No Telling What We Will Face,” by Daymond Duck. Today, I use, with permission and minor editing, a more recent article, “Here It Comes,” also by Daymond Duck. Daymond is a prolific writer about the last days (https://www.raptureready.com/daymond-duck/). Reference Duck’s article at: https://www.raptureready.com/2021/01/30/here-it-comes-by-daymond-duck/
I give myself a brief “vacation” by reprinting Duck’s recent articles, but I had already planned to write about these topics. And, I will have more to write later.
We live in perilous times– times about which Yeshua and the Apostle Paul warned. More examples could be added to Daymond’s brief warning of our future. Prophecy students emphasize that we are witnessing two features of the last days: (1) acceleration– prophecies are being fulfilled at breakneck speed, and (2) convergence– prophecies are being focused toward a single momentous event; that event is when Yeshua parts the sky, the trumpet of God sounds, and the archangel commands, “Come up here!” The One giving testimony to these things says, “Yes! I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Yeshua! (Revelation 22:20). (Incidentally, I suggest “suddenly” may be a better translation of the Greek tachy, than “soon” in this verse. Yeshua has not returned “soon,” but He will return “suddenly, unexpectedly.”)
In reading Daymond’s article, think of other dangers facing our society, especially the community of Believers. If you do not see the beginning of discrimination against us, WAKE UP! As historically the case, lazy Believers are asleep, and Satan is beating us at almost every turn. The reason we are losing is lack of faith, which Yeshua prophesied (Luke 18:8b): [Yeshua said] “… But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”
The Trump-Biden election was profoundly significant, and may be a critical tipping point for the end times. We may be on an irreversible course toward the end, and you should prepare to meet your Lord! The angelic host may even now be preparing for their long-prophesied visit to Earth.
Here It Comes
Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc.
Daymond Duck // contact: duck_daymond@yahoo.com
It is my desire to stop writing about the election and direct more of my time to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, but the election has major prophetic implications, and the two issues cannot be separated.
President Trump promised a peaceful transition of power. He and Melania left the White House with grace and humility. Here are some quotes that may interest you:
● “The purpose of the New World Order is to bring the world into a world government” (Winston Churchill).
● “Out of these troubled times [out of the Persian Gulf War], our [America’s] fifth objective– a new world order– can emerge” (George H. W. Bush, 1990).
● “I learned to love the New World Order” (Joe Biden, April 23, 1992).
● “The hierarchy [of the U.N.], among other things, had called for world government to be achieved in STAGES through the forming of world administrative REGIONS. This was in accordance with the U.N. charter, which encourages the implementation and administration of world government on a REGIONAL basis” (Edmund J. Osmanneczyk, 1995).
● “What I am trying to do [to build a global system] is to promote a process of reorganization of the world” (Bill Clinton, 1997).
● “Within four years, we will see the beginning of a new international order” (Henry Kissinger, 2008).
● “The burdens of global citizenship bind us together” (Barack Obama, July 24, 2008).
● “To bring about the New World Order, we have to have a new consciousness” [a new spiritual ethic, or new world religion] (Henry Kissinger, January 12, 2009).
● Concerning who will head up the New World Order, “We’re trusting that he will be President Obama” (Henry Kissinger, 2009).
● “The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order” (then Vice-President Joe Biden, April 5, 2013).
● “I believe we and mainly you [the U.S. Air Force Academy graduating class] have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the 21st century.…” (Joe Biden, May 28, 2014).
● “You are about to graduate into a complex and borderless world” (Biden’s new Climate Change Czar, John Kerry, May 6, 2016).
Globalists have big plans, but they are not in control; they just think they are. The more they reject God; and the more they turn against His people; and the closer they move toward world government; the more they stir His wrath, and the closer God’s people are to the Rapture.
Here are some of my thoughts on current events:
● On January 20, 2021, the “America First” president was replaced with a “Fundamentally Transform America” president.
● This “fundamental transformation” of America involves the submission of America to a godless world government (the New World Order, The Great Reset, the U.N. 2030 Sustainable Development goals, etc.).
● Biden has already announced his intent to undo Trump’s America First policies, rejoin the Paris Climate Accords, rejoin the World Health Organization, halt America’s departure from the World Trade Organization, halt construction on the Keystone Pipeline and border wall, review and reverse more than 100 Trump policies on the environment, stop immigration enforcement in the U.S., and more.
● Biden announced support for things (other than world government) that go against the Scriptures: taxpayer-funded abortions for everyone up to the moment of birth (murder of babies), nominate judges that support abortion, allow gays to serve openly in the military, reinstate Title IX that lets transgenders use bathrooms according to their gender identity (men use women’s bathrooms, etc.), etc. Think about this: Through a Political Action Committee (PAC), Planned Parenthood gave more than 27-million dollars to Biden’s election, and now Biden is going to give Planned Parenthood millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to kill babies.
● Biden has already cut America’s defense budget, cut the Space Force budget, transformed money budgeted for America’s nuclear arsenal to FEMA, and threatened to fire at least two generals (one in the Army and another in the Air Force) that questioned these cuts. There is speculation that a military purge is coming to replace patriot-minded officers with officers that will pledge allegiance to the United Nations. Here is a link to an article about this: https://beforeitsnews.com/blogging-citizen-journalism/2021/01/generals-tell-trump-we-got-your-back-2649650.html .
● Biden dissolved the 1776 Commission designed to teach patriotism in public schools and replaced it with a group “to assist agencies in assessing equity with respect to race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability.”
● Simply put, “Here It Comes” means that I believe the Biden administration intends to support policies that will lead to the rise of the Ten Kings, world government, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, tracking everyone, godlessness, the Tribulation Period, etc.
● The shadow government controls every branch of the U.S. government, and, as I see it, there will be a surge forward with no going back. In his first six days in office, Biden signed more executive orders than the last four presidents combined (and one of his officials said there are more to come).
● How long it will take to bring in the world government is unknown, but I expect the shadow government to push Biden to accomplish as much as he can before the next election two years from now.
● No one knows the day or hour of the Rapture, but whenever it happens, the Restrainer will be removed, and godless world government will go into overdrive.
Here are several stories that made the news:
ONE, Biden asked a “Christian” preacher friend to offer the benediction at his inauguration, and the preacher closed his prayer, not in the name of Jesus, but “in the strong name of our collective faith.”
Praying in “the strong name of our collective faith” is the kind of reprobate thinking that left God out of the Democrat Party Platform.
Their total one-party control of the U.S. government will cause them to fully support a godless one-world religion and government.
The Bible clearly teaches that God will put up with this godless world government nonsense for 7 years, but if He did not bring it to an end, no flesh would be saved.
The pastor’s prayer is also evidence of a sick, lukewarm Church that tickles people’s ears instead of proclaiming the truth.
TWO, on January 23, 2021, a bomb exploded at First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, California.
Hate messages were painted on the inside walls of the church.
Several news organizations ignored the bombing and blamed the church for preaching against same-sex marriage.
These people appear to believe it is okay to blow up a church if the preacher preaches the Scriptures.
THREE, on January 20, 2021, an unidentified person in the U.S. State Dept. decided that the U.S. Ambassador to Israel will now be called the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.
The person that made that decision posted it on the State Department Website, and it appears that whoever did it does not believe that the West Bank and Gaza should be part of Israel.
Some say the Biden administration also plans to change the U.S. recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel.
Two weeks ago, I wrote that God had a reason for putting Trump in office, He has a reason for removing Trump, and He has a reason for putting Biden in office.
I tend to believe God is ready to let world government advance, and He removed Trump because Trump would have been in the way.
I also tend to believe that God put Biden in office because He wants Israel to trust Him, not Trump or the U.S., for protection.
Unfortunately, most Christians do not know enough Bible prophecy to recognize the danger that dividing Israel poses to America.
According to the Bible, those that try to cut Israel into pieces at the end of the age will be cut into pieces. (Note: Before this article was sent to the editor, the State Department reversed itself on the issue and went back to calling the U.S. Ambassador the Ambassador to Israel.)
FOUR, concerning pestilences, my last week’s article noted that a group of U.S. doctors believe Ivermectin is safe and effective for preventing COVID in most people.
The article also noted that India has developed an inexpensive, effective, and safe Covid Ivermectin treatment kit.
On January 19, 2021, it was reported that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has upgraded Ivermectin from “against the drug” to “not for or against the drug.”
According to the article, this opens the door for doctors to feel safe in prescribing it and for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve it for emergency use if they choose to do so.
I found Ivermectin searching “Ivermectin for humans” at amazon.com. There is also an apple-flavored paste, and a reader told me about a nurse who puts it in peanut butter. I am just passing this information on for people to make their own decision.
[IMPORTANT NOTE: Shomair Yisrael does not offer medical advice about COVID treatment. You and your healthcare provider must make your health decisions.]
FIVE, concerning persecution, much of the hatred that has been dumped on Trump over the last four years is now being directed toward those that voted for him.
● Since January 15, 2021, more than 22,000 people have signed a petition to have Franklin Graham fired from Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for supporting President Trump.
● On January 20, 2021, the Daily Beast published an article calling for a new “secret police” force to spy on Trump supporters because the FBI and NSA will not sufficiently punish these Americans.
● Many Christians/ Believers and conservatives are expressing concern that Biden’s support for the LGBTQ agenda (biological males in women’s bathrooms, etc.), and Pelosi’s rule that people in Congress are not allowed to say man, woman, etc., will lead to people being denounced as homophobes, etc. One reader e-mailed me to say there will be a tremendous effort to pervert the children that are not killed by abortion.
● It has been reported that Katie Couric is calling for Trump supporters to be deprogrammed in re-education camps and for members of Congress who question the accuracy of the election to be punished. This could pit brother against brother just like Jesus said because the left wants to silence and shame those who disagree with them.
● On January 20, 2021, it was reported that former FBI Director James Comey said the Republican Party “needs to be burned down or changed.” He asked, “Who would want to be part of an organization that at its core is built on lies and racism and know-nothingism?” Comey is a proven liar, and there is evidence that he used false evidence to protect Hillary Clinton when she destroyed thousands of e-mails.
● On January 21, 2021, it was reported that a columnist for the Washington Post called for Fox News to be kicked off the air for “radicalizing people and setting them on the path of violence and sedition.”
● I pray that Jesus will rapture the Church off the earth before the persecution gets too bad, but judgment must begin at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17).
It falls on Believers first, and it falls harder on unbelievers second (persecution of the Body of Yeshua signifies a greater persecution is coming on the lost).
SIX, after constantly condemning Trump’s handling of COVID and claiming that he (Biden) will vaccinate a million people a day, concerning COVID, on Jan. 23, 2021, Biden said there is “nothing we can do about the trajectory.” He added, “In the next few months, masks, not vaccinations, are the single best defense against COVID.”
SEVEN, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog in the latter years and latter days, on January 20 it was reported that a senior Israeli official said if Biden returns to the same terms of Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, Israel will have nothing to discuss with him.
Biden is clearly interested in returning to the deal but said Iran must start complying first.
To summarize this article, concerning world government, I am not like Chicken Little, who claimed the sky is falling (world government indicates many good things such as the approaching Rapture; reign of Jesus; peace, justice, and righteousness on earth; etc.), but I am saying get prepared because here it comes.
Some are saying a police state and persecution are coming.
U.S. Senator Josh Hawley recently said, “You can go to church now, but you may not be allowed to go to the church of your choice in two years.”
As far as many are concerned, their pastors will never tell them about these things, so I suggest that a good place to get started is www.hischannel.com
FINALLY, if you want to go to Heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc.
Daymond Duck duck_daymond@yahoo.com
Until next Sunday, Shalom and Maranatha.