Rabbi’s Reflections – Monday,November 13, 2023

Rabbi’s Note: Some of you may remember our friend Ken Shostack from Rananah, Israel (by way of the Boston suburb of Everett).  He saw the special notice about the rally in support of Israel next Tuesday in Washington DC and sent me this message (edited slightly)…

The RED CROSS has abandoned the hostages. The UN has abandoned the hostages. Do what you can to remind the world and especially the US media that this started with the taking of 250 hostages. Where is a request for a  humanitarian act towards the hostages?… some as young as 9 months. Yes, a 9-month-old who hasn’t seen his mother in a month; He is one of 30 children who haven’t seen their mothers in a month. Some will never see their mothers again.

Let’s agree with Ken and find ways to make our voices heard.


Life In The Body part 34 – Romans, part 209

Romans 14:4 Who are you to judge another’s servant? Before his own master he stands or falls. Yes, he shall stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

Paul is still writing to us about how to live life in the body of Messiah.  Yeshua alone is the righteous judge.  Our faith is that He will make things right.  So, here is the important lesson (which is being taught in this verse), avoid judging another man’s servant.  In this instance, the “other man” is Yeshua.

Isaiah 11:3b He will not judge by what His eyes see, nor decide by what His ears hear. 4a But with righteousness He will judge the poor, and decide with fairness for the poor of the land. 

We don’t have to pass a verdict.  Yeshua, Himself, will do that.  These days it is popular to say, “Stay in your lane, bro.”  One way to “get out of your lane” is to take up offense.  We become offended at the treatment someone else receives.  Paul is reminding us that God will make all things righteous.

And, what about, “… for the Lord is able to make him stand?”  We all go through the trials of life.  Sometimes we do well in our trials, and sometimes not so well.  But in every trial, God is there to judge us.  Notice I said judge and not condemn.  God loves you!  Let that sink in for a moment.

Rabbi Trail: Last Shabbat we had a visit at Shomair from Rich Cleary of Kansas City, an associate Sheleach of Tikkun America.  He spoke (in part) about God’s love for us.  If you missed it… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb8i5oObDHM go to about 1:48 for the message.  He said that God loves you, not just because of grace (He has to) but because there are things uniquely about you that He finds irresistible.  End RT.

To stand before God is to be established in Him.  God’s intention is to bring us all through the trials of life.  By His grace we will all stand before Him and receive a reward.  That’s not to ignore the possibility of hell, but rather to state God’s intention.  God’s desire is that all would be saved by His love and for His love, and none would be lost.  Nevertheless, some will refuse every opportunity to get right with Him.  Therefore; let’s allow God to be God.  Let Him (alone) pass judgment.  Shalom shalom.

Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Mon 13-Nov-2023 29th of Cheshvan, 5784
Ge 26:6-12 Jdg 10 Ps 33 Mt 25:24-46 (Ro 10)