Rabbi’s Reflections – Thursday, October 14, 2021
Shalom *|FNAME|*,

The Equip – Day 25:  https://gatesofzion.net/blog-articles/jb-bernstein/the-equip-series-40-consecutive-days-of-equipping-in-jewish-evangelism/the-equip-series-day-25-the-power-of-the-feasts-of-the-lord/42

Rabbi’s note: I have borrowed (with permission) extensively from Jerry Miller’s notes.  He gave 4 presentations on Sukkot.  The first one was not recorded.  It was also not part of the series of the other 3.  The message was labeled “Sukkot and Revival.”  It is most excellent.  I plan to present parts of it over the next several days.  Blessings.  End RN.

Thinking back to the message on the Feasts of the Lord… And there you have it.  God’s plan for all eternity is imaged in the Feasts as described in Leviticus 23.  With increasing anticipation we celebrate these feasts of the Lord.  As we continue to meditate on God’s purposes, we see how the specific theme for each Holy Day (holiday) represent–really–the process God uses to bring fruitfulness from our lives.  This is especially true in the fall feasts.

We began with the sounding of the shofar, a call to repentance & self-examination.  That’s followed by the days of awe,10 days of reflection and positioning ourselves to hear from God and what He’s speaking to our lives.  Ten days later, we arrive at Yom Kippur–the day of atonement.  The theme there is the forgiveness & cleansing that comes thru the blood of atonement, ultimately, the blood of the Son of God.

So, we began the season with repentance–which leads us to a time of cleansing.  From there, we arrive at Sukkot.  Sukkot is characterized by exuberant celebration and rejoicing.  It’s the logical conclusion to the time of repentance & self-examination.  On Sukkot we ,revitalize through our spiritual renewal. This is our constant need.  It only comes as part of a larger process of self-examination & repentance which leads us to cleansing.  And it is out of that cleansing that we experience the re-vitalizing of spiritual renewal.

In reading this passage from Hosea 6–I felt the Lord was speaking to my heart thru the passage about–the process we go thru in the 3 stages of High Holy Days.  Remember, the Hosea passage refers to 3 days.  It says, “Let us return to the Lord–for He has torn, but He will heal us.  He’s stricken, but He will bind us up.”  And then it says, “On 3rd day, He will raise us up!”  I felt the HS was saying that–the First two days mentioned here point to the themes of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

The 3rd day Hosea mentions–points us to Sukkot and Sukkot represents the renewal and revival that comes, as we allow God to break up fallow ground.  Hosea 10:12 Sow for yourselves righteousness. Reap in accord with covenant love. Break up your unplowed ground. For it is time to seek Adonai, until He comes and showers (rains) righteousness on you.  And then, we see the promise of v. 3 that, as we pursue the knowledge of the Lord,He will come to us,”like the rain.”  It’s the nothing less than the promise of revival!

Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Thu 14-Oct-2021 8th of Chesvan, 5782
Ge 14:21-15:6 Jos 15 Ps 15 Mt 12:22-50 (1 Jn 1)

Week 42
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:13 But now these three remain— faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

206   10/11    Monday:         1 Corinthians 5-6
207   10/12    Tuesday:        1 Corinthians 7-8
208   10/13    Wednesday:   1 Corinthians 9-10
209   10/14    Thursday:      1 Corinthians 11-12
210   10/15    Friday:           1 Corinthians 13-14