Rabbi’s Reflections – Monday, January 16, 2023

There Is Something Missing – Romans, part 5

Romans 1:5 Through Him we have received grace and the office of emissary, to bring about obedience of faith among all the nations on behalf of His name.

These thoughts were prompted by my reading of Jonathan Allen’s “Messianic Trust” drash (teaching) on Exodus 8:28(32).  https://www.messianictrust.org.uk/parashiyot/0000be+va-era-20.php  If you don’t already subscribe, I highly recommend it. https://www.messianictrust.org.uk/drash_sub.php

According to our subject verse, we have received two things.  They are two things that are really “hand-in-glove.”  They fit together and are not intended to function independently.  “We have received grace and the office of emissary.”  The word “emissary” is used in the TLV (Tree of Life Version) because there has been abuse regarding the title “apostle,” but the Greek says exactly that.

An “apostle” is one who is sent.  We are all sent by God with a mission or purpose, “… to bring about obedience of faith among all the nations on behalf of His name.”  My general sense (personally and corporately) is that most of us are not fulfilling our mission.  God gave Moses signs, signs that eventually led Pharaoh to submit to God (even if only for a short time).  So, back to our subject, “What’s missing?”

God wants to give us signs and wonders, so that people, who are not walking with God (like Pharaoh) will have a change of heart, depart from sin and embrace the ways of God and follow Him.  We are afraid to put God to the test.  God is demanding that we do.  So, let’s not hold back.  We have been sent with the desire and the ability to obey God (grace) to point people to Him and His goodness.

Walk in faith, so that you will hear these words… Matthew 25:23 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful with a little, so I’ll put you in charge of much. Enter into your master’s joy!’  While you’re there, read the whole parable of the talents and apply it to Romans 1:5, so nothing will be missing.

Daily Bread, reading plan by Lars Enarson (https://www.thewatchman.org/)
Mon 16-Jan-2023 23rd of Tevet, 5783
Ex 6:14-28 1 Ki 3-4 Ps 104 Lk 19:1-27 (Eph 3)