Rabbi’s Reflections – Monday, June 25, 2018


Some of you know the Singerman family (Chaim and Ruti who operate the Jerusalem Hills B&B in Abu Ghosh, outside Jerusalem).  They are a wonderful family connected to our sister congregation, Ahavat Yeshua, in Jerusalem.  Two of their children are currently serving in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).  Their daughter Lael had to give a talk on any subject of her choosing as part of her military training.  She decided to speak on her faith in Yeshua.  Here is the first request for prayer and the followup report from the Singermans (I guess I could have said “Singermen” but Ruti wouldn’t have appreciated it.)

Introduction (received June 13) – Lael is doing great in the Israeli army.  She serves in intelligence and is sharing the Gospel continually.  She is well liked and respected for her beliefs.  The other Jewish soldiers who are Lael’s friends and who do not know Jesus have heard the Gospel so often that now they are explaining it to each other.

In Lael’s unit, they were each given the assignment of speaking on any topic they choose for a whole class period and presenting it to their unit (and commander).  Yesterday Lael spoke on Messianic Judaism.  This is an amazing opportunity to share her faith.  For a few weeks she has known about it and amazingly the other soldiers have been saying how excited they are about it and how much they are looking forward to it.  Please pray the Gospel will keep playing in their minds over and over with anointing and power.   Pray that hearts are soft and receptive and for protection for Lael.  Most of all pray for fruit and the increase of His kingdom.  Thanks you.  Your prayers are the wind beneath our wings.  ~Ruti

Followup (received June 24) – Lael’s talk went great in the army.  Usually there is just one commander in the room- sometimes none.  For Lael’s talk there were 3 commanders, all listening to the Gospel.  Other soldiers, not in her class, were even asking to be allowed to come to the class to hear Lael speak.  It all went over really well and since then many soldiers have been asking her more about Yeshua.

Rabbi Trail:  This is very encouraging.  Would you like more encouraging news?  Jews For Jesus (J4J) commissioned a survey from the Barna Group to study Jewish attitudes toward Yeshua.  My daughter, Berelyn, sent me this link to an article published by The Forwardlast November.  The Forward is a Jewish (not Messianic) oriented newspaper with typically (IMHO) a liberal bent.  The headline indicates 20% of millennial Jews think Jesus is God in human form.  We may be closer than we think. https://forward.com/scribe/388640/did-jews-for-jesus-get-something-right-about-jewish-millennials/   End RT.

Week 26
Memory Verse: Daniel 6:27 I issue a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom people are to tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. “For He is the living God, enduring forever! His kingdom will never be destroyed, His dominion will never end.  28 He delivers and rescues. He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has delivered Daniel from the power of the lions!”

* 126 6/25   Monday:     Daniel 5-6
127 6/26   Tuesday:      Daniel 9-10,12
128 6/27   Wednesday Ezra 1-2
129 6/28   Thursday:     Ezra 3-4
130 6/29   Friday:     Ezra 5-6

Question of the day:  What are the “short form” take-aways from Daniel in the lions den?

Answer:  What child has not delighted to hear the story of Daniel in the lions den?  To the scoffer, it’s a wives tale that is not to be believed.  But to the faithful, the story of Daniel is our own story.

May we always be found praying, even at great risk to do so.  (Daniel 6:12). May we all be found innocent (Daniel 6:23).  May we all trust God to the degree that no injury is found on us. (Daniel 6:24)  May we all prosper as Daniel prospered. (Daniel 6:29)

We are all exiles who desire to be restored to our former estate.  Through the “fall” we lost our relationship with God.  Through Messiah Yeshua that relationship has been restored.  Yet we still must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12b).  May we all walk through adversity with abundant shalom.  Shalom.