Rabbi’s Reflections – Tuesday, October 1, 2019 L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu *|FNAME|*, I don’t know if you saw this important announcement from Asher Intrater concerning the moving parts of Tikkun Global. Shomair Yisrael is part of the Tikkun America network of...
Rabbi’s Reflections – Monday, September 30, 2019 L’Shanah Tovah U’M’tukah *|FNAME|*, Chances are that by the time you see this it will be Rosh Hashana; if not yet where you are, then certainly in Israel. What Scripture was my first thought regarding Yom...
Rabbi’s Reflections – Sunday, September 29, 2019 Shavuah Tov and Shanah Tovah *|FNAME|*, Thank you, Raymond Finney, for this RR submission. Your work is always appreciated. Yeshua’s End-time Parables (No. 3): Parable of the Sheep and Goats...
Rabbi’s Reflections – Saturday, September 28, 2019 Shabbat Shalom *|FNAME|*, Anybody noticed I’ve been having trouble with specifying the day and date this week? Well, if you did, you were kind enough not to point it out to me. But what were you thinking? ...
Rabbi’s Reflections – Friday, September 26, 2019 (Early) Shabbat Shalom *|FNAME|*, Rosh Hashana is very misunderstood. The spring Feasts of the Lord memorialize historical events. The fall Feasts of the Lord memorialize future events. We naturally relate to...